
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Guest Post: Gallery Walls

Inspiration: Gorgeous Gallery Walls
By Mary Sauer

In home decor, creating gallery walls in your home has been trendy for several years now, and it is one trend we don’t expect to say goodbye to any time soon. Sure, the current color and design trends may influence the elements used to create the wall, but in general, we believe gallery walls are here to stay. We can see why this home design trend has held on so tightly for so long. Gallery walls are endlessly customizable—whether you love modern, traditional, or rustic, you can make them work in your home.

Another reason gallery walls seem to be so well loved is because they allow homeowners and apartment dwellers to display everything they love and hold dear in one space. Which brings us to one very important point. Creating a gallery wall is so much more than simply nailing random items onto a wall. If you really want to create a space that captures who you are and the vision for you have for your home, you need a plan in place before you get to work. Continue reading for practical and inspirational tips for creating a gorgeous gallery wall.

Nail Down Your Vision: Before you starting nailing items to the wall, nail down your vision for the space. There are various questions you can ask yourself to help guide your plan.

     Think about the function of the room. Is this a family room meant for casual fun and family time or an office space created for focus and productivity?
     It isn’t uncommon to have a focal point for you gallery wall in mind. Perhaps you have a piece of art in your possession, or you have been eyeing a frame every time you visit a certain shop. If so, allow your focal point to guide your design.
     Consider the color scheme already present in the home, along with the style of any furniture or design elements in the space.
     If you are on a budget, plan out what you intend to spend on each piece before you head out to make purchases. At Modernize, we have a guide to budget friendly places to shop for home decor items which you may find helpful as you begin to shop.

Via Modernize

Have Fun with Different Shapes: Don’t allow yourself to get stuck in the box of square and rectangle frames. Gallery walls have so much versatility. If you find you are gravitating toward one shape or style, set out to find something unique.

Via Modernize

Try a Minimalist’s Gallery Wall: If eclectic and funky is not your thing, consider taking things to the opposite extreme. Instead of experimenting with colors and shapes, create a gallery wall from multiples of the same or similar frames and design elements.

Via Modernize

Incorporate the Furniture and Design Elements Already Present: Creating a gallery wall doesn’t require a clean slate. If you have unique furniture or design elements already present near the wall you have chosen, don’t rehome them—work with them! A unique piece of antique furniture can guide the placement and theme of the rest of the items you have chosen.

Via Modernize

Create a Quirky and Unique Theme: Gallery walls are the perfect way to display items which otherwise might seem out of place if placed alone on a wall. By sticking with a theme, you can create a space for these items and add interest to your home.

Via Modernize

Display the Things You Love Most: A gallery wall is the perfect way to share pictures of family and meaningful friendships with the people who visit your home. Create a wall entirely with photographs of loved ones or incorporate them will other elements.

Never has another design trend allowed for so much flexibility to bring family photos, favorite colors, random flea market finds, trinkets, and art together into one cohesive work of art. With a little creativity, and the inspirational tips provided above, you will soon be on your way to creating your own gorgeous gallery wall.