
Monday, April 25, 2011

Luxury On The Rails

On my recent vacation I read the best selling book, "Water for Elephants", the film version of which stars Robert Pattinson and Reece Witherspoon. It's a wonderful book that I'd recommend for anyone searching for a few summer reads. The main characters of the book are part of a traveling circus. They move from town to town by train, setting up their big top and marching out their menagerie of animals for curious townspeople. The stars of the circus live in comfortable train cars, while the lesser workers often sleep on hay with the animals. Naturally, this living aboard a train got the designer part of my brain churning. Turns out, luxury travel by rail is still alive and well. Take a look:

Posh train car living room. I wonder if that fireplace works?

Traincar bedroom suite. Such beautiful doors! Has the air of an old luxury ocean liner!

Luxurious bedroom on rails. Check out the gorgeous stenciled ceiling.

Bentley, the luxury carmaker, chartered this train to carry owners to an event at their factory. The colors and details remind me of an old gentlemen's club.

The dark walls and striped ceiling of this club car make quite a statement.

Beautiful attention to detail. Notice the art hung over the mirrored wall in the back left corner.

A light filled "observation car"--like a sunroom on rails.

Outfitted like a fine hotel, this Palace on Rails would be quite an interesting way to see the world.

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